Conant High School
1st: Gaven Corpin
2nd: Anya Chauhan
3rd: Sydney Olson
HM: Lanz Gonzales
HM: Elder
HM: Kristiyana Todoroval
1st: Johanna Selmaczy
2nd: Bethany Hathaway
3rd: Kazoumi Hara (game/chairs)
HM: Kanishga Solaidurairaj
HM: Kyra Bezella
1st: Ashley Mun
2nd: Itzel Castaneda & Abraham Salazar
3rd: Cabella Kronon
HM: Issac Morales, Eleandro Morales, Arda Senoglu, & Chris Plonski
2D Artwork
Allison Santana | Senior | Digital Photograph | 15"x15"
Gaven Corpin | Sophomore | Digital Photograph | 12"x13"
Lauren Gonzales | Junior | Digital Illustration | 13.5"x10.5"
AJ Blum | Sophomore | Digital Photograph | 18"x12"
Landon Moeller | Senior | Digital Photograph | 36"x24"
Maria Rimando | Sophomore | Digital Photograph | 30"x20"
Elder | Senior | Digital Illustration | 24"x6"
Lanz Gonzales | Senior | Digital Illustration | 10"x8""
Elder | Senior | Reduction Linoleum print | 4"x5"
Anya Chauhan | Sophomore | Ink and Acrylic | 15.5" x 16"
Lucy Scales | Junior | Linoleum Print | 5"x7"
Sydney Olson | Senior | Mixed Media | 16" x 16"
Dillon Meadow | Sophomore | Reduction Linoleum Print | 6"x6"
Ananya Chahal | Sophomore| Reduction Linoleum Print | 4"x5"
Kaitlin Rolnicki | Sophomore | Ink on paper | 5"x6"
Liz Bui | Junior | Multi-Color Screen Print | 10" x 12"
Nallely Zaragoza | Junior | Collage and Screen Print | 9" x 12"
Jacy Fu | Freshman | Acrylic Paint | 12" x 12"
Ashley Mun | Senior | Digital Drawing Collage | 14" x 18"
Selene Kostadinova | Freshman | Digital 3D | 1920x1080px
Jessica Pfeifer | Freshman | Digital Collage | 11x17"
Kristiyana Todorova| Sophomore | Digital Illustration | 18x24"
Shalina Safi| Senior | Digital Illustration | 18x24"
Mannie Anderson | Junior | Digital Illustration | 8"x8"
Medhika Athreya | Senior | Acrylic Paint | 9"x12"
3D Artwork
Kazoumi Hara | Senior | Cardboard | 36"x48"x36"
Tyler Mazardo | Senior | Clay | 4"x3"x4"
Bethany Hathaway | Senior | Mixed Media | 21"x1 4"x20"
Abraham Salazar | Sophomore | Mixed Media | 10"x8"x7"
Angelica Pilczynska | Junior | Clay | 16"x14"x14"
Adrian Matras | Freshman | Cardboard | 15"x12"x6"
Sarah Carr | Senior | Cardboard | 29"x14"x6"
Cai Romz | Junior | Clay | 6"x4"x4"
Kyra Bezella | Freshman | Cardboard | 9"x9"x6"
Kanishga Solaidurairaj| Sophomore | Cardboard | 6'x3'x3'
Mia Wawro | Freshman | Mixed Media | 20"x18"x8"
Bethany Hathaway | Senior | Mixed Media | 13'x2'x2'
Johanna Selmaczy | Senior | Mixed Media | 70"x37"x29"
Abraar Rasheed 1 | Senior | Clay | 22"x19"x19"
Bansari Patel | Sophomore | Mixed Media | 7"x9"x5"
4D Work
Click on each image to view full time-arts works.
Issac Morales, Eleandro Morales, Arda Senoglu, Chris Plonski | Sophomores/Juniors | Video
Ashley Mun | Senior | Animation
Itzel Castaneda & Abraham Salazar | Sophomores | Video
Cabella Kronon | Sophomore | Video
Nigel Whitaker & Adrian Ocampo | Seniors | Video
Kyle Blakely| Junior | Animation
Nigel Whitaker | Senior | Video
Ashley Mun | Senior | Animation