Hoffman Estates High School
1st: Emily Rodriguez
2nd: Kamiya Cole
3rd: Charlotte Castelan
HM: Katalina Rohde
HM: Nicole Hanak
HM: Victoria Rodriguez Vallenilla
1st: Haley Walczak (metal)
2nd: Haley Walczak (mask)
3rd: Paul Potter
HM: Veronica Chom
HM: Charmi Nesti
1st: Vanessa Johnson
2nd: Noah Yaro
3rd: Nicholas Sears
HM: Anthony Cappello
2D Artwork
Eli Guthrie - Junior - Digital Photography - 18x18
Charlotte Castelan-Sophomore- Ball Point Pen on paper-11x15
Riley McNamara - Senior - Digital Photography - 12x8
Bella Myszka - Senior - Digital Photography - 8x12
Eli Guthrie - Junior - Digital Photography - 8x12
Emily Rodriguez - Senior - Monotype - 16x20
Aysha Ahmed- Sophomore -Charcoal on paper- 16x20
Emma Kronfeld - Junior - Mixed Media Painting and Drawing Collage - 15x48
Zahrie Cooks-Senior- Digital Photography -8x12
Anjali Gonzalez- Freshman- Charcoal and Water Color Digital Overlay- 9x12
Zahrie Cooks-Senior- Digital Photography -12x8
Katalina Rohde - Senior - Acrylic - 20x48
Karyme Mora Montoya - Senior - Acrylic - 24x30
Jerry Jimenez - Senior - Digital Photography - 8x12
Rachel Lawrence - Junior - Oil Pastel - 16x20
Riley Foszcz - Sophomore - Acrylic - 24x30
Sophia Narug - Junior - Acrylic - 24x30
Kamiya Cole - Freshman - Charcoal and Water Color Digital Overlay- 9x12
Katalina Rohde - Senior - Acrylic - 20x48
Yaret Quiroz-Perez - Freshman - Charcoal and Water Color Digital Overlay- 12x12
Gabriela Aparicio - Sophomore - Ballpoint Pen on paper- 11x15
Riley Martinez - Senior - Chemical Print and Marker - 11x15
Alyssa Rivera- Freshman- Charcoal and Water Color Digital Overlay- 9x12
Victoria Rodriguez Vallenilla - Senior - Pen and Ink on Paper - 8.5x11
Nicole Hanak - Freshman - Ballpoint Pen on paper - 11x15
3D Artwork
Max Solomon Junior hockey puck final
Paul Potter Junior Zbrush Model
Kevin Solnicky Sophomore Zbrush Model Alien Helmet- Showcase
Autumn Bourseau Sophomore Zbrush Model Sword
Autumn Bourseau Sophomore Zbrush Model Classic Bust
Autumn Bourseau Sophomore Zbrush Model AlienBody
Haley Walczak-Senior-Metal Sculpture- 8x4x4
Rahul Hathwar Senior Blender Model c3
Diyorabonu Mannopova- Freshman- Stoneware Spheres- 10x15x6
Zoya Fatima- Sophomore- Stoneware Spheres- 10x10x6
Veronica Chom- Sophomore- Stoneware Spheres- 10x10x6
Teagan Connors- Senior- Stoneware Sphere Sculpture- 10x6x6
Molly Cochran- Junior- Stoneware Spheres- 10x10x6
Charmi Nesti- Freshman - Stoneware Spheres- 10x15x6
Haley Walczak- Senior- Plaster and Paper Mask- 12x12x4
4D Work
Click on each image to view full time-arts works.
Dzenan_Begic-Senior Animation FGC_INTRO_JM
Nicholas Sears-Senior- Film 1080p Stand Off
Noah Yaro-Junior- Animation 720p Harry_Encounters_The_Jerks
Ria Bhattacharya-Senior-Animation gif
Anthony Bravo-Junior- Animation HellEyes
Anthony Cappello-Senior- Film 1080p Principal of the Day
Dani Rios-Junior- Animation finalthrillerposter 2
Lucas Pineda-Senior- Film 1080p The Punch
Noah Yaro-Junior-Animation-OnSnooze
Vanessa Johnson-Junior- Glass Pour Animation Final
Raegan Davis-Senior- animation- adidas logo